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Friday, April 30, 2010

Freehold Picks 5-1-10

1st.  #4 Finally Finished                          4-3-1-2

2nd. #1 Goodbye Bingey                          1-8-4-6

3rd. # 5 Sarahs Beach Boy                       5-2-4-1

4th.  # 2 Hard Livin &Senor Glide            2-1-5-3

5th.  # 6 Double Your Moves                   6-3-5-4

6th.  # 3 Yankee Skyfire                         3-4-6-5

7th.  # 2 Grab Your Keys                         2-3-1-5

8th.  # 1 Pandoras Sox                            1-3-6-4

9th.  # 6 Love Shark                               6-3-1-2

10th. # 7 Now That's Art                         7-1-4-5

11th. # 6 Life And Taxes                          6-2-9-4

12th .# 7 B My Hero                                7-1-6-4

13th. # 2 Shanty Town Guy                      2-4-1-7

14th .# 1 Ludi Christy                               1-3-8-2

15th .# 2 Fox Valley Idol                          2-5-6-1

Recommended Plays

4th.   # 2  Hard Livin & 2A Senor Glide
7th    # 2  Grab Your Keys
8th.   # 1  Pandoras Sox
12th. # 7 B My Hero

Best Bet

7th. # 2 Grab Your Keys


12th. # 7 B My Hero

Big M 5-1-10

1st. #10 Segundo Hanover--- Crushed that last field and was Gingras choice. Will blast out of gate tonight, and is clearly the horse to beat. A must use!!!!   10-2-1-3

2nd. # 2 Big Ten Champ--- Drops back down to winning level, Sears just needs to stay close enough to early pace and will out close this field.   2-6-4-7

3rd. # 9 Cambassador--- Should be a fair price tonight with a couple of monsters inside of him. I really like how this horse has looked on the track so far, and he held very gamely against a standout winner in last. Should be alot of speed in here, so look for Pierce to float out of gate for position, and then be 2nd or 3rd over. Can pick up the pieces and finish the best.    9-4-2-7

4th. # 3 Pang Shui--- Another horse I am very high on for this meet. 2nd start off the bench and looks poised for a big effort.   3-8-2-9

5th. # 7 Mysticism--- Very wide open race, gets slight edge off of tough trip in last for team Miller. 7-5-1-6

6th.# 4 Hypnotic Blue Chip--- No price here with Brennan aboard.  Looks to be a tad too fast for these and expect the minister to get this horse an ideal 2nd over trip.    4-3-7-5

7th. # 5 My Gift To you--- Chris here is my gift to you. A very sharp horse for Joe Anderson, and picks up the white night in the sulky. Shouldn't be the favorite either.   5-2-4-7

8th. # 1 Be Quick About it--- Finally catches a break from the post position gods. Picks up Jamieson tonight, who is in from Canada tonight and with 10-1 morning line, not even Borroff money can make this horse the Favorite tonight.   1-9-5-3

9th. # 5 Looselipssinkships--- Perfect post for this horse's racing style. Wide open event.  5-8-6-7

10th.# 6 Lennon Blue Chip---Horse is VERY sharp right now and might just get the ideal trip in here. Has big move and the Orange Crush just needs to time it right.   6-8-7-2

11th. # 7 Capital Blue Chip--- Been facing some very tough horses, and is facing older tonight. That should make the price right. Looking for value here in wide open race.  7-8-2-6

12th. # 5 Vertigo Hanover--- Sears & Pena and weak field = Winner's Circle!!   5-7-3-2

13th. # 6 Great Soul--- This race stinks to high heaven. Looks too easy and when that is the case, something crazy happens. Be careful here.   6-4-2-1

14th. # 3 Nuclear Joe Joe--- Looking to finish off card with a bomber as I usually do. Picks up Sears, so price wont be as long as I hoped but should offer value.  3-5-9-2

Recommended Plays

1st. # 10 Segundo Hanover
2nd. # 2 Big Ten Champ
3rd. # 9 Cambassador
7th. # 5 My Gift To You
8th # 1 Be Quick About It
12th. # 5 Vertigo Hanover

Best Bet

7th # 5 My Gift  To You


8th. # 1 Be Quick About  It

Woodbine 5-1-10

1st. # 6 Ok Boromir---Fast and talented horse is just too good for these.  6-2-4-9

2nd. # 1 Canaco Runner--- Consistant horse has post edge on main rival.  1-2-3-5

3rd. # 2 Arts Diva--- 2nd start off the bench and should be much tighter tonight.  2-1-5-6

4th. # 6 CR Muscle Power--- Looks to over power this group tonight. Gets perfect post to sit and stalk the leaders late.  6-7-1-4

5th. # 4 Thepaninsulahotel--- Sharp horse paced a very fast opening half and paid the price late. softer fractions tonight or different strategy can see this horse in winner's circle.  4-7-9-3

6th. # 5 Peace Pro---  Had brutal parked the mile journey in last. Gets key driver change tonight and can win this at fair price.  5-8-3-9

7th.# 5 Jackets Required---  No price here in this 2 horse race. Two chalks and five longshots in this race.
So just box exacta big mr Borroff!!!!  5-3-1-6

8th.# 3 Livefreeordiehard--- Wide open race and can make a case for most in here.  3-7-1-5

9th. # 9 All Cantab--- Looks to be too fast for these, outside post will test this horse tonight. 9-7-2-6

10th. # 1 Bigtime Ball--- 1/5 morning line should tell the story here. Horse has won almost 1/2 of his career starts and comes off a 149 mile in last.   1-2-4-6

11th. # 9 Midnite Romp---  Speedy horse is in fine form. If speed is holding tonight, then this is an easy call, if not, then look elsewhere.   9-7-8-3

12th. # 5 Mattscape Seelster--- Moves in from post 10 and drops in class. My two favorite angles and shouldn't be favored.  5-2-7-3

Recommended Plays

1st. # 6 Ok Boromir
3rd. # 2 Arts Diva
6th. # 5 Peace Pro
12th. # 5 Mattscape Seelster

Best Bet

There are many short priced horses tonight I didnt put in my best plays tonight, so if you are getting beat up bad from the Derby and need to make up cash, you can play alot of them short priced horses as well.

1st # 6 Ok Boromir


3rd # 2 Arts Diva

Friday, April 16, 2010

Maywood 4-16-10

1st. # 1 Colefederate--- Moves to rail and will show speed.   1-5-6-7

2nd. # 2 Tamarac Sassy--- Speed horse draws inside and likes Maywood.  2-1-4-3

3rd. # 4 Levi Thunder Thung--- Had back to back tough trips, smooth sailing wins this.  4-2-5-6

4th. # 1  ODB---Should be on lead or 2 hole entire race, edge!!!   1-3-4-5

5th. # 9 Marty Marty Marty--- Looks clearly the best, but Chupp needs to work out a trip.  9-5-3-4

6th.  # 5 She's A Peach--- Takes big class plunge, and can win this and upset  # 1 at fair price. 5-1-4-2

7th.  #6 Howboutthatsweetie--- Looks best in a race of terrible drivers and off form horses.  6-3-1-4

8th.  # 7 American Interlude--- Trying for a big price here. Drops in class.  7-2-5-3

9th.  # 1 Come Home  Honey--- Hoping he sits right behind # 3 and out kicks him in lane.  1-3-2-4

10th.  # 6 Suchamuch---Only real speed horse in race besides the #9. Should have easy fractions. 6-9-1-3

11th.  # 7 Sign The Prenup---Clearly the best in here, post will make things interesting.  7-4-2-1

12th. # 2 Jds Personalstatis----Speed horse drew inside of main rivals.   2-5-4-1

13th. # 2 Incredible Bob--- Easy spot here, and he is just faster then these.  2-4-5-1

14th. # 6 Sailors Sky--- 0-11 on the year but dropping hints lately.   6-7-2-1

Recommended plays

3rd. #4 Levi Thunder Thung
5th  #9 Marty Marty Marty
6th # 5 She's A Peach
9th  # 1 Come Home Honey
10th # 6 Suchamuch

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yonkers 4-16-10

1st  # 4 Wildmotion--- Drops back to winning level and gets Bartlett!!  4-1-2-3

2nd # 1 The Shepherd--- Should be on the lead or 2 hole and gets Bouchard.  1-3-5-6

3rd.# 5 U better Watch Out--- Should go right to the lead and never be headed.  5-3-2-4

4th.  # 6 Ginger And  Fred--- Expect early speed tonight and should get 2 hole trip.  6-3-4-2

5th. # 1 Whitesans Mirage--- Rail, speed and Bartlett!! Faces weak field!!  1-2-6-4

6th. # 3 McGibson--- trying for a small upset here. Should race near the lead tonight.  3-2-1-6

7th. # 4 Cuz She Can---2nd start off layoff and might get overlooked at the windows. 4-1-2-3

8th. # 1 Symphony in Motion--- Sharp horse gets rail again and soft bunch.  1-4-2-6

9th. # 2 Cheyenne Trish--- Should get good ground saving trip.  2-4-1-5

10th. # 5  I Know Magic--- In good form and drew inside of main rivals.  5-7-3-8

11th. # 1 Cutty Shark--- Speed and rail for Pena!!!  1-3-2-6

12th. # 1 Martha's Revenge--- Moves in from post 7 and early speed.  1-3-4-5

Big M 4-16-10

1st. # 2 Loverboy Hanover--- Comes from Freehold and goes from post 8 to post 2.   2-4-3-7

2nd. # 7 One Man Show S--- Dropping in class and has the early speed edge.  7-3-2-1

3rd. # 7 Knock Three Times--- Starting to race into form, and finds a soft field.  7-8-1-5

4th. # 1 Top Chef--- Up in class off an easy win and looked very strong at the end of that race.  1-8-3-4

5th. # 2 Arch Madness--- Hoping the two favorites battle into defeat. Huge driver change tonight and was Sears choice.  2-7-1-4

6th. # 3 Idol--- Raced a very fast 1/2 mile in last and held gamely to wire.  3-6-1-8

7th. # 6 Eragon--- Comes out of stakes final and right into this final. Looks to be best!!  6-4-3-1

8th. # 6 Four Starz Horndog--- Up slightly in class off an impressive victory. Right back!!  6-2-9-4

9th. # 9 Photo Max--- Up in class of dominating victory and should float out for early position. 9-4-6-10

10th. # 5 The Rainmaker--- Impressive score from outside post in last. Razor sharp!!!  5-2-8-9

Best Bet

10th  # 5 The Rainmaker

Best longshot

5th # 2 Arch  Madness

Recommened plays

5th # 2 Arch Madness
6th # 3 Idol
8th # 6 Four Starz Horndog
10th # 5 The Rainmaker

Woodbine 4-16-10

1st. # 4 Logans Hero--- Slight edge over # 1!! Stays flat!!!   4-1-3-5

2nd # 4 Meet Me Out West--- Sharp horse, should sit close to the pace and prove fastest in lane. 4-1-6-2

3rd. # 5 Northern Spirit--- Versatile horse seems to have speed edge on field.  5-3-2-7

4th. # 7 Perfect Sport--- Sharp horse finds a weak field. Comes from Joe Anderson's barn.  7-9-3-8

5th. # 9 Driftwood--- Trying for a minor upset!! Dropping in class and finds suspect group.  9-5-8-7

6th. # 7 Play At Wynn--- Tough race to handicap!! Should show speed tonight!!  7-5-3-8

7th. # 6 Mats Havin A Ball--- Sharp horse, dropping in class and gets driver change.  6-5-4-7

8th. # 2 Designated Leader--- Made up a ton of ground in last few starts. Should be alot closer tonight and can sweep on past for an overdue win.   2-8-1-9

9th # 1 Voelz Hanover--- Slight Edge in wide open race. Should sit and save ground till late.  1-3-4-5

10th. #1 Notjustaprettyface--- Trying for a big price. Moves inside for 3rd start off layoff.  1-6-3-4

11th. # 10 Long Legged Dream--- In a very soft spot and post adds to price. Worth taking a swing in here and faces weak field.  10-8-1-2

Best Bet of night

7th. # 6 Mats Havin A Ball

Longshot of night

10th # 10 Long Legged Dream

Recommended plays

2nd. # 4 Meet Me Out West
5th  # 9 Driftwood
7th  # 6 Mats Havin A Ball
8th  # 2 Designated Leader
11th  # 10 Long Legged Dream