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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Woodbine 3-26-10

1st. # 6 Romeo Star-- Horse made huge move despite being interfered with. Seems well placed.  6-3-2-10

2nd. # 1 Semjac Legacy--- Finally draws well and has speed to stay close all mile.  1-2-7-4

3rd. # 5 Top Gear--- Sharp horse made huge move in last to dominate that field.  5-4-3-8

4th. # 9 Laurent--- Made up 22 lengths in last start to just miss. Should be closer tonight.  9-6-8-5

5th. # 1 Designated Leader--- Moves in from post 9 and keep Waples.  1-5-10-6

6th.# 6 Western Expression--- Looks like a great spot here!!! Should be on lead tonight.  6-9-1-3

7th. # 3 Rush Fan---Horse has had 3 straight tough trips, and has very consistant speed figure. 3-6-1-5

8th. # 5 My Red High  Heels--- In a good spot here despite the sick scratch.  5-8-10-2

9th. # 6 Spirit To spare--- Comes off a clunker, but if she races back to prior efforts she can beat this field at a decent price.  6-5-8-9

10th. # 2 Ladycino---  Should sit right behind heavy favorite. Chance at small upset.  2-4-3-5

11th. # 5 Live to Dream--- 2nd start off layoff and raced well in first start.  5-1-9-7

12th. # 7 Fall In Place---Gets big driver change and looks to have one big move.  7-5-10-4

The Big M 3-26-10

1st. # 8 Johnny Charisma--- Coming off two tough trips and held gamely. Gets Sears and has chance to win this at a nice price.  8-1-3-2

2nd.# 1 St. Giannis--- In great form right now and seems too fast for these.  1-8-4-10

3rd. # 2 Memphis Monster--- Finally gets a decent post, and should get an ideal trip.  2-4-3-8

4th.# 1 Hilo--- Sharp horse catches a very weak field for Dube.  1-9-7-2

5th. # 4 Green Day--- Raced huge against the best trotter in the world right now in Lucky Jim. Gets Brennan so expect a very aggressive drive.  4-6-5-3

6th. # 9 Whycantiforgetyou--- Drops in class back down to proper level. Post adds to price!! From the inside this horse would be the favorite tonight.  9-1-8-2

7th # 6 Gerries Madison--- Has had a list of excuses and tought trips as of late.Gets ideal post for her racing style. Should get very live cover tonight.  6-2-4-5

8th. # 9 Man O Matic--- Had win streak snapped in last race. Had  very tough first over trip and held well thru the wire.  9-6-7-3

9th. # 5 First Tooth--- Tries Big M again after racing well over at freehold. Gets Brennan!! 5-4-6-9

10th. # 5 Flirtiscape--- Only Pena trained horse not to win so far I Believe. Should get live cover tonight and might zoom right by all these at a fair price.  5-1-3-2

11th. # 5 Lets Get Serious N--- Raced wide the entire race in last. In great shape right now and should blow right past these if he stays trotting.  5-7-4-3

12th. # 10 The Life Boat--- Trying to end the night with a bang!!! Faces weak field and is pretty sharp right now. It is post 10 so the price will be right.   10-1-6-4

Best Bet of night

7th  # 6 Gerries Madison

Longshot of night

1st. # 8 Johnny Charisma

Recommended plays

1st. # 8 Johnny Charisma
5th. # 4 Green Day
6th. # 9 Whycantiforgetyou
7th. # 6 Gerries Madison
11th. # 5 Lets Get Serious N.

Yonkers 3-26-10

1st. # 3 Fiesta Camcun--- Had tough trip in last. No speed inside of her tonight, so expect early speed from Bouchard here.  3-4-5-1

2nd. # 5 Rapid Strategy--- Should be on lead or in pocket tonight. Small upset chance.  5-2-1-6

3rd. # 3 Bad Obsession--- No price here!!! Looks much the best and should be in control of this race from the word go.  3-2-1-6

4th. # 4 RD Blues--- Should show speed tonight and race upclose the entire mile.  4-6-2-3

5th. # 3 Terrys Luck--- Chance at minor upset in here. Great qualifier, and if he doesn't need the race his speed should go a very long way tonight.   3-1-2-8

6th.  # 6 Docdor Libby--- In great form right now!!! Should race upclose to the pace tonight.  6-3-1-5

7th.# 4 Soiree--- Got the luck of the draw tonight on main rivals and should get the jump on main contenders.  4-1-6-8

8th.# 6 Shanghai Lil--- I loved her qualifier and looks ready to dominate these off layoff.  6-2-1-4

9th. # 2 On The Glass--- In career form right now. Looks too good for these.  2-4-1-6

10th. # 6 Victors Vicky--- Sharp as a tack despite having very tough posts as of late. 6-3-4-7

11th. # 1 Ginger And Fred--- Stakes quality horse with speed, rail and Bartlett. Way too many positive angles to ignore!! Dominates these and might never be headed.  1-6-5-3

12th. # 1 Leanback Coco--- Should show speed tonight and get a good inside trip.  1-7-2-3

Best Bet of night

11th. # 1 Ginger And Fred

Longshot of night

6th  # 6 Docdor Libby

Recommened plays

4th. # 4 RD Blues
6th  # 6 Docdor Libby
9th  # 2 On The Glass
11th # 1 Ginger And Fred

Maywood Park Picks for 3-26-10

1st. # 9 Springlake Dragon--- Gets ideal post to sit and save ground. Faces very weak field of off form horses.  9-5-7-6

2nd. # 2 Arizona Gabe--- 2nd start off of Qua. Coming off of tough first over trip with inside post. Slight Edge.  2-5-4-6

3rd. # 6 Mike Lanigan--- Trying for big upset here. This might be this horse's first lifetime start at Maywood. Horse has very fast gate speed. May last alot longer tonight.   6-4-1-5

4th. # 2 Driven to Gin--- Won despite first over trip. Draws inside and is a major threat.  2-3-9-6

5th. # 6 Incredible Al--- Not much speed in here, and this horse should have lead. Got stuck behind tiring horse in last.  6-8-1-4

6th.# 5 Dishin it out--- Versatile horse can race on lead or from off the pace. Slight edge!!  5-6-1-7

7th. # 6 Jd's Personalstatis--- Dropping into winning spot. Horse loves Maywood and finds a weak bunch. Much the best tonight!!!  6-2-1-3

8th. # 1 It's Party Time--- Dropping in class and moves from post 8 to the rail. Huge angle!!! 1-9-2-6

9th. # 1 Fox Valley Absolut--- Comes in from balmoral in good form. Gets rail ,and if she handles the turns she will win this for fun.  1-7-5-6

10th.# 5 Pembroke Blast--- Trying for a small upset. Might be a good speed battle in here and if so this horse might just pick up the pieces late.  5-6-2-1

11th.# 1 ODB--- Speed and rail!! Tough combo to beat!!!   1-3-4-2

12th. # 3 Royce Raider--- Moves in from post 7 and catches off form group.  3-5-2-9

13th. # 1 Sporty Babe--- Should sit right behind the speedy favorite, and might go by in lane.  1-2-4-3

14th.# 3 Wake Up Mike--- Speed horse has nice post advantage on main rivals.  3-7-6-1

Best best of night

7th. # 6 Jds Personalstatis

Longshot of night

10th  # 5 Pembroke Blast

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tonight's Big M plays

5th.  # 4 Laughandbehappy- Raced first over into fast pace. Held gamely thru the wire. Has won 15-19 lifetime races and wont be the favorite tonight.   4-1-3-5

6th. Stormin Rustler---  My longshot of the night. Should be a really good speed battle tonight with a very lively pace. Should benefit from that battle and may sweep this field at double didgets. 6-5-2-10

8th. # 9  Rockin The House---  Showed great speed in last and lost to a stand out winnner. Wont be denied tonight, as my best bet of the night.  9-8-5-2

10th. # 2 Red Skull--- Was racing well against 75000 claimers and should find this weak bunch to his liking. Classic drop and pop here!!!!   2-10-1-3

12th. # 2 Linden Beauty--- Trying to close the card with a nice longshot. Horse is back down to proper level and in first start at this level was interfered with before the start. Should offer value.  2-6-10-5

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Balmoral Park 3-13-10

1st. # 4 Spill The McBeans--- Speed horse may go all the way tonight, weak field.  4-1-7-3

2nd. # 6 Jds Personalstatis--- Coming over from Maywood. Looks to have speed and sharpness advantage over these. Needs that big track stamina.   6-5-4-1

3rd. # 4 This Girl Is Fast--- Has had many tough trips and poor posts as of late. I watched her last race and she had alot of pace but the outer flow was bad. Live price play here!!!  4-6-1-2

4th. # 7 Odds On Demi-Queue--- Made very big move off of slow fractions but couldn't finish it off. That same move wins this race.  7-2-3-1

5th. # 6 Fox Valley Ruler--- This closer is very sharp right now. Just needs to be a little closer at top of lane and will blow right by these.  6-1-5-7

6th. # 1 Ohno Its Me Again--- Looks very solid here!! Moves in from outside post to rail and faces a bunch of horses that dont race the last 1/4 very strong. USE!!!!!  1-6-2-8

7th. # 5 Tracy--- In fine form right now and has early speed. Seems faster then these. 5-1-6-3

8th. # 5 Maximus Meridius---Been showing good early speed lately. Needs a bit more stamina, but should get a very good trip in this race.  5-3-4-8

9th. # 4 Village Mascot--- In career form right now. Facing a bunch of horses coming off layoffs  or in not good form. Looks like a great chance to hit at a price.  4-5-8-7

10th. # 5 Marti's Arti--- Looking for a big upset. horse is coming around and drops in class. 5-8-1-3

11th. # 5 Fox Valley Absolut--- Dropping into a winning situation. Weak field and this horse is just too fast for these. 5-1-7-3

12th. # 7 Devachan--- Speedball will be on lead in here and might just take these all the way down the road. Post might make the price right.  7-4-6-8

13th.# 2 Scare Tactics N.--- Made up a ton of ground in last. I likes his chances of him sweeping this field in the lane.  2-6-1-5

14th. # 7 Western Seige--- Showed a big move but was never able to clear and tired late. Should be tighter tonight and anything close to that move will put this horse in winner's circle.  7-8-3-1

Tonight's Best Bet

11th. # 5 Fox Valley Absolut

Tonight's Longshot of the Night

3rd. # 4 This girl Is Fast

Recommended plays

3rd. # 4 This girl Is Fast
6th. # 1 Ohno Its Me Again
7th.  # 5 Tracy
9th.  # 4 Village Mascot
11th. # 5 Fox Valley Absolut

Friday, March 12, 2010

Woodbine 3-13-10

1st. # 7 Pan Larceny--- Taking a big drop in class and might get jump on the fav.  7-8-2-1

2nd. # 3 The Mame Event--- Made up a ton of ground in last start. Moves inside and has post position advantage on main contenders.  3-10-2-8

3rd. # 8 Magicmaker Hanover--- Made a big move in first Woodbine start but tired late. 8-6-4-5

4th. # 6 Tad The Stud--- Wired that last field and will attempt the same strategy tonight. 6-7-9-4

5th. # 6 Totally Excellent--- Parked the mile in last start. Should get better trip tonight at a big price. 6-1-3-2

6th. # 3 Star Party--- Looking for a small upset here. Will either win or break, your call!!  3-6-1-2

7th. # 8 Get Out of Dodge---Dropping in class and might be in a little better shape and form then the rest of  these. Nice price too!!!!   8-3-1-7

8th. # 7 Midnite Romp--- Just missed in first start off long layoff. Should be tighter now and should sweep this field.  7-2-3-9

9th. # 5 Scootin Art--- Raced first over in last and didn't tire too badly. Smooth trip should win this. 5-6-4-2

10th. # 4 Kindly Poet--- Hoping the two big favorites in here battle each other into defeat. 4-6-1-3

11th. # 7 Red Leaf Again--- Won for me last week and was just ragin with pace down the lane. Anything close to that effort wins this. Good for another!!!   7-2-6-1

12th. # 1 Veal Marsala--- Moves from post 10 to the rail. Just missed in last start and should get good trip in here. One to beat!!!   1-3-2-4

Best Bet of Night

8th. # 7 Midnite Romp

Longshot of Night

11th. # 7 Red Leaf Again

Recommended selection's

2nd.  # 3 The Mame Event
7th.   # 8 Get Out Of Dodge
8th.   # 7 Midnite Romp
11th. # 7 Red Leaf Again

Big M Selection's 3-13-10

1st. # 7 Sleep Easy--- 8g is in career form right now. With predicted sloppy track, I will play the speed horse in here.  7-2-1-8

2nd. # 3 Live to Reign N.--- Comes in from Yonkers and looks to have early speed. Should get the lead or the pocket trip tonight. Needs that mile track stamina, so price might be right.  3-5-6-1

3rd. # 1 Beeeyouuuuuu---Inside speed horse with Sears in the bike for Burke. Likes sloppy track. 1-7-3-2

4th. # 6 Lightning Moon--- I love this horse tonight, no matter the track conditions. Finds a soft group and can win from on or off the pace. Should be a decent price too!!!   6-3-2-10

5th. # 7 Lisagain--- Will show speed tonight, and should sit right behind the # 2. Expect Sears to be very aggressive tonight. Horse is 3 out of 4 on an off track.  7-2-3-1

6th. # 1 Announcement N.--- This horse figures out much the best in here but does lose Tetrick here which surprises me. With inside post advantage this horse looks CLEARLY the best. 1-3-5-9

7th. # 4 Ideal Conditions--- Speedball will sit up close tonight. Been very consistant so far this year and has been in the money 13 out of 18 career starts on an off track.  4-9-3-8

8th. # 1 Bestnotlie Hanover--- Should show speed tonight and likes an off track. Keeps Sears and drew the rail. Wide open event!!  1-6-8-2

9th. # 7 Distinct Color--- I like this horses chances tonight with off track or fast track.  This horse projects out over 2 lengths faster then anyone in here. Its all about the trip for Silverman!!  7-8-9-1

10th. # 3 Smellthecolornine---Another horse that can race up front or from off the pace. Should blast out of the gate tonight and could wire this field at a decent price.  3-1-6-2

11th. # 6 One False Move--- Wide open race and horse showed sneaky late pace in last.  6-5-1-2

12th. # 8 Laguna Beach--- Speedy Gelding might sit right behind the # 4 and # 2 tonight.  Might pick up the pieces when those two tire in the lane. I will take the better price horse and hope for the best.  8-4-2-7

Best Bet of Night

6th. # 1 Announcement N.

Longshot of Night

4th. # 6 Lightning Moon

Tonight's Recommended selection's

3rd. # 1 Beeeyouuuuuu
4th. # 6 Lightning Moon
5th. # 7 Lisagain
6th. # 1 Announcement N
9th. # 7 Distinct Color

For tonight, I handicapped the card for an off track. But all of my recommended plays would have been still recommended even with a fast track.

Big M Selection's 3-12-10

1st. # 6 Muscles Marinara--- Classy trotter needed last race and is dropping in class. 6-5-4-7

2nd. # 6 Bono Blue Chip--- Tipped 3 wide and closed willingly to just miss. Faces very weak field and was Tetrick's choice.  6-3-10-1

3rd. # 5 Hatsaway---Showed signs of rediness in that Qualifier against a stakes champion. Offers value and might be primed to upset this field at a very nice price in  first start off the bench.  5-1-3-4

4th. # 7 Salutation Hanover--- Raced big in first Big M start. Easier field here and Gingras choice. 7-9-5-3

5th. # 1 Ginger And Fred--- It's time to jump aboard here!! Moves in from post 8 to the rail. Comes off a 2 move effort and first over the last half. A must use here!!!!  1-6-3-7

6th. # 6 Eagle See--- Trying for a minor upset. Post 6 is perfect for this one move closer. 6-3-1-2

7th. # 2 American Lane--- Just missed last week as my top selection. Should race closer to the pace tonight, Brennan will step on the gas pedal tonight.  2-5-4-8

8th. # 4 Gerries Madison--- Finally showing signs of life. Raced big first over last week and the upswing should continue here.  4-5-3-6

9th. # 3 Lubbock---Raced  first over last week and weekend late. Should be up close tonight, and there doesn't seem to be much pace in here.  3-2-9-4

10th. # 9 Riley Rose--- Taking another chance with this horse. Hoping he blasts out of the gate and sits right behind # 8.  I will know after 10 seconds of this race if we have a shot or not.  9-8-1-3

11th. # 10 Refocus--- Raced big in first Big M start for Team Miller. Can upset these!!  10-2-3-5

12th. # 5 The Assassinator--- Should get a nice price here. Younger horse facing older, but horse is in good form and Tetrick sticks here.  5-2-1-7

Best Bet of Night

5th. # 1 Ginger And  Fred

Longshot of Night

3rd. # 5 Hatsaway

Tonights Recommended Plays

2nd. # 6 Bono Blue Chip
3rd. # 5 Hatsaway
5th. # 1 Ginger and  Fred
12th. # 5 The Assassinator

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Meadowlands selections 3-10-10

1st. # 8 Ru Watching--- 2nd start off Qua, and seems to be a tad faster then these.  8-3-5-10

2nd. # 8 Success Rocks--- Here is your upsetter. Taking big class plunge and keeps Sears.  8-9-10-1

3rd. # 9 Flamewalker--- Crushed a similiar field in last. When this horse gets good, he stays good for awhile. Too fast and too classy for these.  9-7-3-8

4th. # 6 He's Redhot--- Just crushed many of these last week. This field is not much tougher, wont be 4-1 this week. Will not be denied!!!  6-7-8-1

5th. # 5 Broadway Jake--- Perfect post for this horse's racing style. Usually does well at this class, and gets Sears in sulky. Alot to like  here!!!  5-6-2-7

6th. # 5 Lennon Blue Chip--- Whats wrong here?? Down from 85,000 claimers just 3 starts back to just about the lowest level at the Big M. Either wins for fun or finishes last. Your call!!!  5-6-1-4

7th. # 10 Bluebird Dream--- I like how this horse just keeps grinding away and never quits. Post 10 will enhance the price. Trying to upset Pena's raging horse in # 5, who for some reason is dropping in class after crushing that last field.  10-6-3-9

8th. # 7 Spicy Caviar--- Sent to Yonkers for a race and got parked first over. Never was able to clear and faded late. I like that tightener of a race, and the fact his connections brought him right back to Club Med. Has huge shot at a big price to upset this field.  7-5-4-3

9th. # 6 Loverboy Hanover---First start back at Big M was very strong. This field is weaker, and same kind of move will sweep this field.  6-4-5-2

10th. # 2 Prime Xample A--- I love this horse tonight. Drops down in class, moves inside and gets Brennan back. Thats three very strong angles, but we will be lucky to get half of that morning price. 2-4-8-6

Best bet of night

4th. # 6 He's Redhot

Longshot of night

8th # 7 Spicy Caviar

Tonights recommended plays

4th. # 6 He's Redhot
5th. # 5 Broadway Jake
8th. # 7 Spicy Caviar
9th # 6 Loverboy Hanover
10th. # 2 Prime Xample A

I love this race card tonight, so dont be shy to play most of my selections. I like this card so much, I am raising my bets tonight to 50.00 to win on my top selections. 20.00 Exacta wheel's my top selection over my 2nd,3rd, and 4th selections. 10.00 exacta wheel's my 2nd, 3rd and 4th selections over my top selection. Total wagered is 1400.00!!! Good luck everyone!!!!

Free Yonkers Raceway Selection's 3-9-10

1st. # 1 Four Starz Magic--- Looks like a solid play here. Drops back down to winning level and drew the rail. A MUST use tonight.   1-6-2-5

2nd. # 2 Bigpepper--- Comes in from Monticello in fine form. Moves in from outside post and looks very competitive in here. 2-4-1-8

3rd. # 1 Sri Panka--- Slight edge over the # 2 in here. Should sitin the pocket and wait for the open stretch. Looks like a 2 horse race and short prices.  1-2-5-4

4th. # 5 White Hot Cards--- Taking a huge class drop. Can win this from on or off the pace in here. Clearly the horse to beat tonight.   5-6-3-1

5th. # 5 The Maniac--- 6g comes in from the Big M andhad poor outside post. Dropping slightly in class and should work out a nice 2nd over trip.  5-3-1-2

6th. # 3 Literate Hanover--- Looking for a big price here. Dropping in class and moving inside after three straight tough posts. Gets Bartlett and can upset these at a fair price.  3-2-4-1

7th. # 1 Joans Bad Boy--- Should be tighter after that speed effort from outside post. Gets Bouchard tonight. Bouchard and the rail usually mean a trip to the winner's circle.  1-2-6-7

8th. # 2 General Mcardle--- Looking for a small upset in here. Should sit in the pocket and might close the fastest. 2-3-5-1

9th. # 1 Boogeyman--- Should show speed tonight and get good ground saving inside trip.  1-2-8-6

10th.# 2 Caviart Cody--- Drops in class and moves inside. Facing a very weak field, and should make an early move in here.  2-5-1-7

11th. # 8 Donnie Bop---  Going to try and light up the board here. Dropping in class an facing a suspect group. Since nobody stands out to me, I will try for a bomber.  8-2-7-3

12th. # 2 Tattoo Hall--- Should make an easy lead tonight and get dreat inside trip.  2-1-7-5

Recommended plays

3rd. # 1 Sri Panka & 1-2 exacta box
4th. # 5 White Hot Cards
6th. # 3 Literate Hanover
7th  # 1 Joans Bad Boy
10th # 2 Caviart Cody

Best Bet 
3rd. # 1 Sri Panka & 1-2 Ex box

Best Longshot
6th. # 3 Literate Hanover

Monday, March 8, 2010

Woodbine 3-8-10

1st. # 9 Indy's Z Tam         9-4-7-1
2nd # 8 Red Leaf Again     8-5-6-10
3rd.# 7 Scorpion Moon     7-8-1-2
4th. # 4 Kims Quest          4-1-3-6
5th. # 5 One More Drink   5-3-8-9
6th. # 8 Enny Youngman   8-5-6-7
7th. # 8 All Got In             8-9-2-7
8th  # 8 Jet Fueled             8-1-6-10
9th. # 7 Cuban Seelster     7-10-4-5
10th. # 7 Top Gear            7-8-3-5
11th. # 9 Star Power          9-10-6-8

Best Bet of night

5th # 5 One More Drink

Longshot of night

1st. # 9 Indy's Z Tam

Recommended plays

1st. # 9 Indy's Z Tam
2nd # 8 Red Leaf Again
5th. # 5 One More Drink
6th  # 8 Enny Youngman
9th  # 7 Cuban Seelster

For tonight My usual bets, 20.00 to win on my top selection in each race. 10.00 ex. wheel's my top pick over my 2nd,3rd, and 4th picks. 5.00 reverse exacta wheel's in each race.  Also put an extra 57.00 to win on all of my recommended plays. Total wagered is 1000.00!!! Good luck everyone!!!!

Yonkers 3-8-10

1st. # 3 Please Come Back--- Drops back to winning level. Should be on lead or in the pocket. 3-2-5-1

2nd. # 2 Patriot De Vie--- Brennan's choice in here. Shows one big move in each mile.  2-6-1-5

3rd  # 1 Cutty Shark--- Comes off tough trip from outside post in last. Moves to rail and keeps Brennan. Should be huge favorite.  1-2-3-7

4th. # 4 Booze Cruiser--- Moves inside after two races with outside posts. Racing well, upset call. 4-1-3-2

5th  # 2 Kaydon Begone--- Racing very well, and gets nice inside post for Manzi. Coming back from the Big M and should find this field to his liking.  2-5-1-7

6th. # 4 Windsun Fire N  Ice--- Here is your upsetter. Didn't move a line from post 8 in last. The minister should work out a nice smooth trip here.  4-5-3-6

7th. # 5 Hot N Sporty--- Comes from Dover and drops slightly in class. Brennan will make speed tonight, alot to like here.  5-3-2-1

8th. # 2 Go Go  Raider--- Moves in from post 8 and should race up close tonight.  2-5-3-7

9th. # 4 Tough Love--- Finally gets post relief, been racing huge from outside posts. Gets Bartlett!!  4-3-5-6

10th. # 4 Jennarator--- Had his stay flat trip around the track in last. Will be handled differently tonight for Anderson barn.  4-1-8-7

11th. # 6 Danger Sign N--- Showing signs of being dangerous as of late. Brennan sticks here and so will I. Might offer value as well.  6-3-1-2

12th.  # 5 Jim's Guy--- Moves in a little from post 8 to 5. Only lost last by 3 lengths, expect Cat to move him early in here.  5-4-2-6

Tonight's Best Bet

3rd.  # 1 Cutty Shark

Longshot of night

11th # 6 Danger Sign N

Recommended plays

3rd. # 1 Cutty Shark
5th.  # 2 Kaydon Begone
7th.  # 5 Hot N Sporty
9th  # 4 Tough Love
11th. #6 Danger Sign

For tonight I will do my usual plays, 20.00 to win on my top selection and 10.00 ex wheel's my top selection over my 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Also 5.00 ex wheel's my 2nd,3rd, and 4th selections over my top pick. Also put an extra 43.00 on each of my recommended plays for tonight to make my total wagered to an even 1000.00

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Meadowland picks for 3-7-10

1st. # 5 Detective--- Comes off ground saving trip after a high speed effort two races back. Might be sitting on a big race here.   5-1-3-4

2nd. # 9 Ideal Matters---Closed in 25.4 in first lifetime start to circle the field. Soft field again and looking at a very short price here.  9-3-6-8

3rd. # 5 Vitamight--- Raced big off of very long layoff. Should show speed, may last!!  5-2-1-10

4th.# 3 Shoeless Whitesox--- Been facing tougher and moves inside.  3-2-5-7

5th. # 5 Fox Valley Slammer--- Coming off many tough trips and just missing. This post insures a good stalking trip. Must use!!!  5-1-3-6

6th. # 3 Hurrikanebiggeorge--- Looking for a small upset here. Should get nice trip in here. 3-1-8-4

7th. # 10 Fox Valley Lee--- Weak field for Pena/Brennan combo. That spells doom for the rest of the field. Post wont matter.  10-3-8-6

8th. # 5 My Fanny--- Rucker brings this horse back on very short rest coming off a good effort in last. Barn is starting to warm up.  5-3-2-8

9th. # 2 Desert Sign--- Has huge post edge on main rival and keeps Brennan.  2-10-3-1

10th. # 1 Impel Hanover--- Catches a field of horses jumping up in class or coming off long layoffs. Comes in from Dover and gets huge drive change. Can upset at a price.  1-3-4-2

11th. # 6 Escape Attack--- Gets huge driver change coming off a very tough trip. Gingras will workout a good trip and should be in the winners circle today.   6-5-9-7

Best Bet

2nd # 9 Ideal Matters ( will be under even money)

Best Longshot

10th # 1 Impel hanover

Recommended plays

1st # 5 Detective
2nd# 9 Ideal Matters( will be under even money)
5th # 5 Fox Valley Slammer
10th. # 1 Impel Hanover
11th # 6 Escape Attack ( Best bet that wont be huge fav)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Meadowland's picks for 3-3-10

1st. # 4 Righteous--- Dropping into straight claimers, and coming off two straight tough trips. 4-2-6-1

2nd. # 6 Parklane dream--- Got the expected tour of the track in first Big M start. Should be tighter and driven a bit harder in this one. Drops into straight claimers tonight.  6-7-1-10

3rd. # 3 Man O' Matic---Looked amazing on the track last week and did not disappoint. Simply dominated that race, and finds another suspect group here. Should dominate these !!!  3-1-7-9

4th. # 7 Cardmaster--- 2nd start off of Qua. Got tour of Club Med in first start from post 10. Closed very sharply when called apon and is a must use tonight!!!  7-2-10-8

5th.# 10 He's Redhot---Love this horse tonight in his first Big M start. No tour of the track here, and may offer good value for Team Miller with post 10.  Taking a swing now before price gets lower and lower with each start.  10-2-7-1

6th. # 6 Feel The Pulse--- Drops in class and is Brennan's choice in here. Might just be a little too fast for these, can win from on lead or off the pace. Looks very solid!!!  6-4-10-8

7th. # 6 See You Smile---  Trying for a huge upset here!!! Comes of back top back brutal trips and should get nice 2nd or 3rd over stalking trip. Outer flow should be live here!!!  6-5-3-1

8th.# 8 Move It Move It--- Very wide open race here, throwing a dart here. Hoping this horse will like the Big M.  8-1-6-3

9th.# 9 Lucky Jo--- I loved this horse last week and the card was canceled. Tougher spot here and with outside post, the price will be right. 9-6-5-10

10th.# 2 Basilio Blue Chip--- Moves inside coming off two big efforts. There should be plenty of pace in here and hoping to follow up # 1.    2-4-1-6

Best Bet of Night

 6th. # 6 Feel The Pulse

Longshot of Night

7th # 6 See You Smile

Recommended Plays

3rd. # 3  Man O' Matic
5th. # 10 He's Redhot
6th. # 6  Feel The Pulse
7th. # 6 See You Smile
10th. # 2 Basilio Blue Chip